Thursday, May 14, 2009

I am boring

So we are the most boring people. Never anything to really blog about. Kids are doing OK. Chris has the flu poor guy. CJ and Joey are at school. Carl in the middle east. Me just here. Typing away about my boring life. Gonna buy Wicked Tickets tomorrow. Chris is very excited. I hope I can get great seats. Worked yesterday it was slow only made like $42. Work in the bar on Sunday. YUK! Going to the commissary later and the boys all have dental appointments. Poor Chris had his last play performance on Saturday. They are closing the drama club for lack of funding. Which is BS. Because not a single sports program lost funding. Three hours before the play Chris had a root canal. He did so good he didn't even need the pain killers they gave him for afterwards. Joey did really well in his play too. I am so proud of all my boys. Have to help CJ with the FAFSA he has decided on college instead of the military for now. Funny how Chuck always was going to college and CJ the Air Force now they have switched. I think it is 68 days till Carl comes home. I miss him so much can't wait.
The house is a disaster zone. I really need to be more motivated. We are just never home long enough to deep clean. We pick up, but I am always off with one of the boys which leaves the other two to make messes. I love them, but boy are they slobs. LOL! I want to win the lotto so I can hire a maid.
Been thinking about becoming foster parents. I feel like we are so blessed we should do more for others. Ever feel that way?
My neighbors drive me crazy with their damn surround sound. Should be illegal. Thump thump thump all day and night and I have said something doesn't do any good just jerks. Of course Sp's say as long as it isn't during quiet hours nothing anyone can do. Plus they both smoke and do it outside so I am constantly having to slam windows shut.
Well, not that I have whined for a while I am off to the showers so I can run my errands. Everyone take care.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Life here

So life here has been pretty easy. Chris and I went and saw The Lion King production. Oh my God it was SO awesome. Words can not describe how cool it was. I want to see it again. Chris's has just been cast in Arsenic and Old Lace as a Mr. Gibbs. He is very excited. Joey is still in drama working on a play written by his drama teacher. CJ stays busy with Michelle and Robin. Robin is in the hospital again. So he is worried. My birthday was OK. I went to dinner with my family and then to the casino with my mom. She hurt her back at work so she was higher than a kite on pain killers. She is out of work indefinitely due to the injury. I miss Carl so much. We were talking about deployments and we figured he has done nine deployments and a one year remote to Korea over the last eleven years. This past two years it the longest stretch he has been home. WOW! I never realized how much it was. Just our life you know. I wish it was summertime. It is easier to deal with him being gone if I don't also have to do all the school stuff too. Oh well such is life we chose. I don't have much to say just getting through the days. Spending way to much money with my retail therapy. LOL! Going to try and cut that way down. So everyone take care and I will try to update again soon! GOD BLESS!!!!!1

Thursday, January 29, 2009

A week in

So it has been nine days since Carl left and it feels like forever. Chris's play opened last night and he said it went really well. We are going to see it tonight with my parents Lisa as usual will not be attending it. I am looking forward to it . He has worked so hard. Next they are doing Arsenic and Old Lace.
Went to a town hall meeting for our housing company and the base commander got on my last nerve. Said he talked to someone who has lived here for forty seven ;years this is the worst snow we have ever had. BULLSHIT! Since I grew up here I know it has been worse. The year we got married I didn't see Carl for a whole week due to snow. Stevenson is living in a dream talking about how we are all one service it is not just Air Force verses Army. We should all be able to coexist on base here. Whatever the rivalry between the two services is decades old and not going to end because they decided to let the Army take over McChord. We just have two different standards and way of life. It sucks to be used to the higher standard of Air Force life and have everything change because of the joint basing. Again I cry BS!
OK see we are Air Force snobs, and they are Army snobs. I agree that God bless them they are keeping us safe on the front lines so are our guys still two different ways of life.
I guess I should stop my whining and do some house work. I go to bed at night and the house is OK I get up in the morning its like a tornado went through here . Towels, coats, unworn clothes, just crap everywhere. Love my boys but they are slobs. LOL! Everyone take care till next time.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Update finally

So I suck at updates. Whats new I mail birthday cards and Christmas presents months after the day. LOL!
Carl is off to the middle east again. I am so depressed. I can't sleep without him here it sucks. So I have been tired since he left.
The kids are doing OK. Chris has his play practice and opening night is Wednesday and it runs through Saturday. He is so excited and I so proud of him. Joey is doing a play in drama club so he is after school three day a week too. CJ is in a D and D club and stays for that on Mondays and Fridays. Then he is gone all weekend to Robins or Michele's.
Haven't got an email for Carl yet which bums me out and he called, but my cell dropped the call and we haven't heard from him since. Anyone who wants his mailing address just send me an email and I will send it to you.
I am down to two days at work. I am just not feeling it right now. I like my job most of the time, but when Carl is gone I would rather mope. LOL!
Think I may write a book. Been working on a story in my head since I was a kid. Plus I have lots of time. I could put it on paper.
Hung out with my friends on Friday it was nice. We actuality finished a game. Lately we get to chatting and never get to the end of the game. It's fun like that. Well, guess I should get some laundry done and start prepping something for dinner. No clue what I want to cook. With Carl gone I always cook way to much food. LOL!
Lets see if I can remember to update more often. Check you on the flip side.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

2008 is gone

Its been a while since I logged on here. Something my friends in fay away places keep reminding me of. LOL! Not a lot going on in our world.
2008 ended very sad for my family my grandpa died. He was 85 and outlived three wives, but still sad for all of us. He was a good man and we hadn't talked in years due to the wishes of his third wife. I was just talking how I should call him a few days before he died now I never will and that is what makes me saddest.

It was a white Christmas here first time in many a year. Of course you all know that means Carl busted his butt at work. Poor guy was so tired. I cooked a large crockpot of something for them every night I hope it helped. The kids got a head start on winter break which made them all happy.

Recently a civilian company called Equity took over our housing they suck. I had to call and really bitch to get them to come even slightly push some snow off our streets and they couldn't do that right just moved all the slush to behind our driveways so we had a hell of a time getting out. They couldn't even be bothered to do the housing gate which they are supposed to do. The dirt boyz did it. I really don't like this company. We pay rent and they are the worst landlords.

Christmas was good the boys all got what they wanted from Santa made them very happy.

Carl leaves in a few weeks for the lovely desert. Another six months gone. Seems like he just came home, but it has been two years. That is only cause they felt sorry for him and put him on the last rotation. I am going to miss him so much. The bright side is he is going with his good friend Chris Stanton and they are going to be somewhere safe. Plus I plan on banking that tax free.
Damn civilians getting on my nerves though going on and on about all the money we make when the guys are gone. I sure would like to see all this money they think we make.

Work is ok, but I am not sure how much longer Lee can keep the place going we never have any business. I am lucky if I make a hundred dollars a week in tips. Of course my sister who works at Denny's makes that in one day and rubs it in. LOL!

Well, I hope everyone is doing good and I miss all my friends. Now you know I just started crying thinking of missing you all. Sometimes it sucks to be a military wife. Most of the time I love my life and the Air Force, but when it comes to missing my friends I am very sad. Take care. Be safe and Happy New Year!

Friday, October 17, 2008

I suck

So I really suck at keeping up with anything these days. We are finally all moved and cleared our inspections no problem which is what Erin told me all along, but I still stressed tons about it. Of course we are not unpacked three weeks later, but we will get there some day. LOL! Today I am finally off to get a much needed pedicure. It has been so long. Then I have to go to my nephew Jake's school. Jake is a sweet good well behaved kid and yesterday he and 12 other kids, mostly hispanic, were pulled aside and talked about gang related activity then given detention. This includes pushing, name calling, laughing at other kids when they get hurt, and wearing colored bandannas. My sister doesn't even have any bandannas in her house. They told nine year old Jake he was wearing gang colors because he had a red basketball on his black shirt. He swears he has done none of these things. And if there had been an ongoing problem why wouldn't they have said something before now. This is all BS. I am so irritated. Plus my sister lives in well to do community these people have no idea what gangs are. Most of these kids are a bunch of bored white wannabes who just need a good spanking. What the school thinks because Jake is mexican he is at risk to be a gang banger. BS!

On a brighter note. CJ has a girlfriend named Robin I can't wait to meet her and her family.I have raised such a wonderful young man. Robin is paraplegic. I love that CJ sees her as the funny smart girl she is and nothing else. You know she has to be smart or CJ would never be interested in her. Stupid people irritate him. LOL!
Chris is doing so much better at school this year even volunteering information and doing his work. Of course you still have to ask him for it, but at least he is doing it and he is getting and A in math his worst subject. Joey is still struggling with middle school and the bully's it breeds, but he has started sticking up for himself more. We are so proud of the boys they are growing up so fast.

I still work at the Friendly Duck I am up to three days a week they asked me to go full-time, but I like part-time maybe next year. We go through so many employees. Two more quit and another got fired. Crazy. Carl stays very busy at work and if off in another few months for the desert. The life of the Air Force family.

Well, hopefully I will be blogging again soon. Everyone take care till then.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Our First Blog Housing

Well having only done a blog once in my life I am not sure what to put here today, but I know I will do better in the future. All is well with us. Carl just got his tasking for the next deployment. He will off on vacation for six months. We are trying to get packed for our move to the new house. Who knows when that will be. They are demoing the Gingko housing area so we have to move. We decided to ask for a three bedroom because the other choice could have been a tiny four bedroom. Frustration abounds here with the whole housing issue. People have no idea when and where they are moving. Some of us have addresses but no move date. Others have no information. Plus the new company that is taking over hasn't been inclined to send out timely information.
The kids start school in two weeks and half my house is in boxes. Originally they said we all had to be out by the end of august, so we started packing. So we have had boxes everywhere for a while now. ERRRRRRRRRR!
Other than me complaining . All is good. I will update in the near future.